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The Music of Becoming: Life Is Strange's Soundtrack, a Decade Later

A gloomy day in Arcadia Bay. Max gets on the school bus to go back home. She pops in her earphones. The sound fades and José González's Crosses starts playing. We witness the seaside calmness of Arcadia Bay's structure, including the lighthouse, from her seat window. The strumming of the acoustic and the weighty lyrics evoke a very personal feel to the listener. You cannot help but listen to what they're trying to say. It immediately gets you hooked.

It's not just this single instance. Life Is...

Why the Silent Hill Soundtrack Deserves Much More Credit

More than 20 years after the release of the first game, Silent Hill has captured our thoughts of what a psychological horror game looks and feels like. The tension, uneasiness, gloominess, loneliness, and anxiety the player experiences while they visit the eponymous American town is a feeling very few games could capture. The games had us confused between reality and fiction with themes of delusion, depression, despair, isolation, loneliness, and redemption prevalent throughout. These themes wer

How Gran Turismo Revolutionized Car Culture

When you hear the name Gran Turismo, you imagine a racing game filled with unprecedented potential and one that takes the love for car culture to the next level. It shares a belief that you need cars in your life and makes you fall in love with them in an unexpected way. The absolute joy of taking a Supra around Trial Mountain and coming up with the perfect lap after so many failed attempts, tuning your Honda Civic to win the Sunday Cup, and finally having the ability to buy that coveted Le Mans

Every Gran Turismo Game Ranked

Gran Turismo is a series beloved by all kinds of people, from casual gamers to proper sim racing enthusiasts. With the 25th anniversary of the Gran Turismo series being celebrated this year, we decided to rank down every mainline Gran Turismo game released over the years.

This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the Gran Turismo series. The games of the series revolutionized the gaming community and completely changed how we perceived racing games as a whole. In addition to that, the series is o

Assassin's Creed Unity Portrayed Revolutionary Paris Perfectly

Being a game renowned for its bugs and glitches, Assassin's Creed Unity still has a lot to offer players, especially with its beautifully designed open world. The majority of the game takes place in the city of Paris, which is filled with amazingly accurate details of the French Revolutionary era. This makes it a unique game like no other.

Assassin’s Creed Unity has its fair share of flaws (and bugs), but that doesn’t take it away from being one of Ubisoft’s most ambitious games ever. The setti

Top 10 Rarest Cars in Gran Turismo History

These rare cars only appear a handful of times in the Gran Turismo series and sometimes were also difficult to obtain for your prestigious car collection. They are unique and exotic in their own way and definitely a sight to behold. For this reason, we have compiled a list of what we believe to be the top 10 rarest cars in the entire history of Gran Turismo!

Gran Turismo has become a household brand among racing fans thanks to the inclusion of a wide variety of cars. In all of the Gran Turismo

Season: A Letter to the Future relishes in preserving the memories of a charming world

Memories are an important part of what makes us human. Holding onto them is a key human trait as we often desire to relive the pivotal moments of our lives: a beloved toy your father bought, your first love, or that record you once listened to on repeat until it broke. But, as dear as memories can be, they are fragile and can be lost forever. Season: A Letter to the Future indulges itself in preserving the memories of a world that will soon be lost to an apocalyptic event of unknown proportions.

Children of Silentown’s eerie art and music-based puzzles are more than a Tim Burton homage

Point-and-click games aren’t uncommon in the indie scene, but every now and then, developers create their own unique and innovative takes on the genre that make them stand out. In the case of Children of Silentown, developed by Elf Games and Luna2 Studio, the combination of its delightful music-based puzzles with the Tim Burton-inspired eerie art style makes it a heartfelt adventure worth experiencing.

Children of Silentown takes place in the eponymous village of Silentown where fear and silenc